Meaning Compost tea
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Compost tea

A low-nutrient liquid fertilizer that results from hanging a mesh bag of compost in water for 1 to 2 days.
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Compost tea

 Authentic Haven Brand Moo Poo
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Compost tea

 is a cold processed water extraction of compost. Compost Teas are typically fed specific ingredients and brewed for a set period of time to cultivate high populations of select organisms present in t [..]


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Compost tea

  Use compost tea are: give back microbial life & soluble nutrients into the soil or onto the foliage of plants to feed organisms and plants.  It is recommended whenever the organisms in the soil or on the plants are not at optimum levels because chemical-based pesticides, fumigants, herbicides and some synthetic fertilizers kill a range of tho [..]
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Compost tea

Liquid made by “brewing” compost in a cloth; the liquid is then added to the soil or sprayed on plant leaves.


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Compost tea

An infusion made by leaching water through compost, sometimes with nutrients added, such as molasses and kelp, to encourage certain organisms. Soluble organic matter and the organisms in the compost are rinsed out of the solid phase and left suspended in the water. This "liquid compost" is easier to apply than solid compost.
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